So I get a Call



A good pal from Detroit called me tonight and we had a chat.

He had seen my post on Facebook the effort to get an audit on three parts of City Hall asked me questions on this effort and past efforts, we talked a good hour plus then told me a truth I had well forgot:

When you play with the Big Boys you will need to use Lawyers if you do not have them even if you are in the right you will lose, one day the Big Boys will get tied of you and crush you like Bugs.

Yes, I think he is right on that point.

He asked about the track record of the efforts again asking why is the group waiting to start an on line newspaper? so in other words he pointed out once again like so many efforts its going to start maybe then nothing or worse unfocused under capitalized if something is started will not can not last long.

Can’t be mad at my Pal he made me understand two points

1) Without a focus/Lawyers just spinning my wheels

2) Mayor John Dickert knows he has nothing to worry about from the 7 so does not bother with the group

My Pal did say that the Bloggers here should blog on topics of interest not with a grand goal of removing the Mayor from power but simply educating the readership we may have

You know I think he is right.


Save the Racine Public Library From Mayor John Dickert! My view



Full discloser I worded for the Racine  Library sometime ago

Libraries are critical what others have said

I spent three days a week for 10 years educating myself in the public library, and it’s better than college. People should educate themselves – you can get a complete education for no money. At the end of 10 years, I had read every book in the library and I’d written a thousand stories.

Best there is no end of what might be learned from the act of going to the Library.
When I was a child in Baraboo WI my Mom and Dad made a point of making sure did I not learn how to read they read to me at a young age and my Dad taught me how to read when I was about 4 .
Early on, I discovered  all the cool books I could get from the Baraboo Library.
Oh the world of Books the information!
After the Army I discovered  the U.W. Madison Library system with more information then I could think of ….
Even in my early days recovering from Alcoholism the  Library was a place of refuge.
Today I go to the Racine Library a few times each month.
Yes things have changed far more then just books  can be found there from programing to engage youth, DVD’s, and public Computers can be found there they can and are being used by many from Facebook to others using You Tube to discover this big world we live in.
Per $$ spent I  think there is no better investment that any City can make then the public Library.
So then why the hate from Mayor Dickert with the Cut backs?
KKK Mayor Dickert at a City meeting on Downtown Racine?
Is it to save $$ I cant think that if we can spend millions on Rootworks a million on City Hall (and his pal making Bank with the Bathrooms) could not cuts come from that? Or is there an another plan?
Why Yes Young Jedi there just might be.
I am thinking that our Real Estate maybe looking to find room for a Hotel/Convention Center where the Racine Public  Library/YMCA stand now.
Lets take a look at a map
Why look in the upper left hand corner we have the YMCA!
What would they ever do with that Empty Building? Why of course sell in to the City or a pal of our Mayor to start this hotel/center
Yet IMHO they need more room the Library would provide this added room.
and then we have this
From the Racine Journal Times
Urban Pioneer – October 22, 2014 11:55 amIt is time for the Library to address the reality of the 21st century. Close and sell the land on Lake Michigan shoreline..It makes ZERO sense to maintain a tax dollars consuming property on land that could easily b rebuilt as a tax PRODUCING property if it was developed by the private sector. Second sell the land on Spring and Neumann Rd. Then take the combined monies and the Library’s reserve fund (Which I believe is around 10 million dollars. and build a new library on the property of the WesTowne theater. Ohio and Washington Ave. Its centrally located, and easy access for most of Racines low income students and families, and everyone else as well. Also easy access for Caledonia and Mt Pleasant users. Plenty of room for free parking. Close to shopping, groceries, the Post Office etc. This is a win-win for the entire community. Both the users and the non-users of the library system. Finally we can start collecting taxes from a high rise hotel or Condo development on the current library property and the YMCA on the lakefront land.
Looks to me that this poster does not understand that:
1) There is no real Bus system for anyone to use anyone and Minority Kids can get to this (Current) location vs most others, if ANYONE should have access to  a library its the minorities kids
2) Unless/until the Downtown becomes a gated community Minorities will coming to Downtown Racine.
3) Perhaps the library users do not shop downtown is what the heck is there to youth to shop at?  Bars and more Bars. Should we allow 12 year old kids to start drinking?
IMHO I see this attack on our  Racine  library as nothing more then the first step to building a Hotel/Center were once again Mayor John Dickert will use City $$ to have his pals make bank. That the story in the J-T and the post suggesting a move was just testing the waters for a push my our Mayor to get our beloved library to move
Thinking we need a good library far more then RootWorks or more City Contracts to our Mayor’s pals
 Please call the Mayor’s Office and your Alderman and tell them to fully fund the library.
In fact the Inter Governmental fund was to be used for that very thing NOT BS like Team Porter’s and what happened to that idea?

Why bother?



Why even bother with the Dog and Pony show called the Racine Budget?

The Mayor has  all the votes he needs to get his very strange budget passed. A few might vote no but no way do they have the votes to kill it.

A few brave Aldermen/Women  will ask hard questions but not have them answered may introduced ideas to cut spending but again, the Mayor of Racine will have his way his Budget will pass.

The high points are easy to think of:

More $$ for the Pals less for minorities who may need City services after all the Mayor’s pals are White and well off and Minorities are not. How dare they even live in this City!

Do we need Police or simply think there is no crime in the City?

Do we need our Streets cleared of Snow? Why would we when we can go to Mexico with our Pal the Mayor if you are white and rich ! This is the Racine way right?

Yes we need to spend $$  on our Civic Center is there a better looking empty building in Racine?

We need to spend $$ on Rootworks and the Uptown Plan do you not see all the Cars from Chicago bringing folks here to buy homes and start a business?  Are YOU saying that our Mayor might be fibbing?

As I see it the the Aldermen might as well stay home and Email the votes in

Does your ass hurt yet?

Flash News!!! Flash News!!! Flash News!!

received the go ahead to print the map


Questions to ask

1) Is just now only Mayor Dickert’s dream, as even more have told me that Machinery Row is dead that to make anything happen the City/County would have to do the development, do you think the City of Racine has the $$$ to do so?

2)   Is the story in the Racine Journal Times

No suburban library for now on the City library a plant to start the drum roll, to force this great resource, away from Downtown to keep away minorities from the very White downtown?

3) Might Mayor John Dickert  understand the City Hall is awash with good folk willing to risk his wrath in sending out information to the grassroots press, in order to insure that the public has the information that the Mayor not want the public to know ?

4) Does Mayor John Dickert understad that even in his Police State he can not stop the press.

Note to the Mayor EVER story I run here the link goes in front of 13,000+ eyes if only 1% look at the story that be 1300. not bad.

News Flash Machinery Row Issues coming to a head!



This Reporter has received information about Machinery Row development in Racine WI, far more then I ever thought, sources that wish to remain off the record tell me that Machinery Row in Racine  is dead in the water.

As they have told me deals that would have obtained the properties required to get Machinery Row started have not of this morning have closed, that as they claim owners of property have been told the deals they (property owners) thought they had have been withdrawn.

If so this would mean that Machinery Row is very much dead, that for anything to happen The City of Racine/County of Racine would have to come up with the funds to buy properties or seize said properties for say back taxes or perhaps eminent domain law.

With Racine is so much debit, how would the City Leadership try to justify the bond issue required to do so?

With this information come to me a map that shows a draft of the layout of Machinery Row to include a named business in the location.

Should this map be legit and from the information on the map, my guess it I do have a copy of a “official” map. We have a question.

This being will the long term dream of Mayor John Dickert of a New hotel on Lake Michigan  be coming to pass?  What deals will have to take place first?


Watch out for drones!


A sad tale


Was talking with others at my watering hole about my just waiting to quit writing this blog for a range of issues mostly that folks in Racine I think could find out that our Mayor was a Lizard from Mars

imageslm Our Mayor’s true image?

Or that Betty Page Lookalikes were working out of the Basement of City Hall


imagesml Working at City Hall?


and all anyone would say is what time America has talent is on?

What else does Racine care about?

IMHO not in  this City Hell far easier to run the fuck away, as fast and as far as you can.

So as I was venting on all of this an older Black man told me not to stop not only did he enjoy my poor grammar/misspelled posts he also said the story “of the fucked up City has got to be told”

Well he had me there who else will?

So why not me?








Life in a Police State


So there I was checking the social media sites and Boom, parts of a puzzle started to come together.

More checking from Web Sites and more came together.

Early this morning and more checking reading and well folks please be careful you are over 18 do what you will I do not care.

I do care that under Mayor John Dickert’s Police State he has the power not only to get the same information as I do but faster and in far more detail. With the RICO going on and his reelection coming up my guess is he has P.I.’s at his beck and call.

With I think an enemies list far greater then Nixon had and a unforgiving nature everything you do or say will be gathered and used to hurt you or others if he can do so .

We should recall what has been done in the City before bringing us to My Talk with  Ms Chainsaw

talked for sometime with a Racine activist that I call Chainsaw we spoke of Gary Becker and thought crimes how Computers can be hacked in so many ways what might someone who hated Gary (and many did.)  could do if this person was somehow able to gain access to a computer via a hacked password what fun they would have how much of a living Hell they could put him in

Even as I type this what say our Vindictive Mayor could do with a bit of cash + pals with advance knowledge of Computers could do to someone he hated.

As for me, being old fat poor no young hot babe is going to come on to me without being drunk or high if any do like was done before I will RUN not walk away. Your wife may not mind but I be well sad to say Dog Food.  I know better.

Be careful out there change your passwords use PGP in your emails If I have an idea of your Kink IMHO the Mayor sure knows and will act on it if he can


The one thing I have learned from doing this blog is without a lawyer much of the justice system  is closed off to you.

One might be able to file complains as I have to no real effect, go to meetings raise hell even fill City Hall and not get anything done.

May not be right may not be fair just the way that things are in the world we live in.

I would say this is just how the Good Old Boys want life to be from Racine WI, to Washington D.C. not much we can do about that.

You know what be easy to hire a Lawyer to do court filings needed to obtain more records sue to say stop RootWorks Sue to compel action one may want.

Until the anti Dickert folks get a Lawyer or 5 they will in the long run be able to do nothing.

Interesting to watch them try anyway.

And with this


Well you might recall that I was the great guy behind It Came From Lake Michigan

ICFLM 2006

I was in locally made films with the rest of it

Cable Commissioner under Becker

Help start Film Wisconsin that would bring films such as Public Enemy to Wisconsin to be filmed.

A bit of this and a bit of that.

Now looks like I get to be well like I like to say The New Russ Meyer


Bonus Points I get to work with Film Makers around the world!!

In fact due to my networking the film that tells all about Racine Patter or Practice will have screenings in Sydney, with luck sold into that market!

Think this far City shown for what many think she truly is all over Asia! I am sure this will make  Mayor Dickert Happy!

Due to this I will be far to busy to keep up this blog, then too I no longer care what happens here just know if you live in Racine you exist to get fucked and almost every elected official exists  to take a turn you exist to service them in one way or another.



Do not worry Racine you have inspired   so many stories.

I may post from time to time who knows?

Dumpster Diving Terrorism and Jim Latwig

Please Read James A. Ladwig As County Executive, things are going to get very ugly very soon 

From The website


We aren’t lawyers but this is our best understanding as plain-old US citizens.

Dumpster diving is legal in the United States except where prohibited by local regulation. According to a 1988 Supreme Court Ruling (California vs. Greenwood), when a person throws something out, that item is now the public domain. Here is some language from that ruling: “It is common knowledge that plastic garbage bags left on or at the side of a public street are readily accessible to animals, children, scavengers, snoops, and other members of the public.”

However, if a dumpster is against a building or inside a fenced enclosure marked “No Trespassing,” you could be questioned, ticketed or even arrested by the police. Other law-enforcement tactics to discourage dumpster diving include:

– to ticket or arrest for littering (hence the legal as well as common courtesy reason to leave a trash area neater than you found it!);

– to ticket or arrest for disorderly conduct, if you are blocking a sidewalk or generally creating a ruckus while dumpster diving, or refuse to leave an area when requested to do so.

Unless a town or city has specifically made dumpster diving illegal, generally the police will not come unless called by a store manager or property owner. In our experience, this is yet another good reason to be courteous with any store employee (or resident with a dumpster) who questions the dumpster diving in progress, and to use common sense about how long an individual or group stays at any one trash location. If anyone asks you to leave, consider doing so, even if the law is on your side– there are plenty of other wasted resources to be found.

Good Samaritan Law: No Excuses for Not Donating

Store managers will claim that food in their dumpster cannot legally be consumed by humans, or that they cannot donate or give it away. This is either ignorance or lies. If you have the patience to educate, you may want to bring up the Good Samaritan Food Donation Act that has has been the law since the 1990s.

Some people suggest telling store managers you are collecting food to feed livestock or for a compost pile and if you don’t want to make a political point on the waste this will usually work. Some managers will even tell you when certain items are discarded (ie; produce), and encourage you to come get them. The main thing that food stores are worried about is¬† someone getting sick from what they throw away, and then suing them.

There is backlash in a number of communities on the issue of “theft” of recyclables from city recycling bins. Metal can often be sold at prices that make scavenging aluminum (especially cans with a fixed deposit), old appliances, and even power cords a viable cottage industry. A number of cities now have laws against this kind of dumpster diving with a vehicle. Most cities will not harass the small-scale scavenger with a granny cart or bicycle.

“Warning, do not play on in or around dumpster” — such signs are for the protection of the people who own or rent the dumpsters, in case someone gets hurt, to avoid liability.

Wikipedia on dumpster legality Includes some info on the legal situation in Europe and Canada.

Supreme Court ruling on dumpster diving When it ruled in the Gravewood decision in 1988, the US Supreme Court was looking to protect cops, not dumpster divers. Nonetheless, their ruling is the overall US law, unless a municipality specifically makes trash picking illegal.

“Paghat the RatGirl” on dumpster legalities Well thought through for the US.

Bargainshare Discussion on Dumpster Diving Legality

Dumpster Diving and Privacy Law A Massachusetts lawyer’s rather negative take on the freedom to go through the trash.

Reprint of Full Disclosure Article What Detroit, Michigan has to say about dumpster diving.

FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin (reprint) How the FBI dives to get its goods, based on the 1988 Supreme Court decision.

You see Today I was told and shown proof of what might be a scandal within Racine County  Goverment, as I understand what information is being debated I will let others write the story, for IMHO it is one that needs to be written well and we need to read.

When it comes out I will share via Twitter-Facebook and Linkedin. I also understand that come Monday morning or before depending when Lawyers for the Black Bar owners read email they will have and are expected to act on the information. Who knows perhaps the RICO may drag in elected officials in Racine County.
What is shocking to me is how now under the Police State of Racine County if you seek  information or God forbid speak out on the leadership and your called a terrorist.
Wait A Terrorist for speaking out? For looking into the fun and games in Racine County?